Tuesday, December 9, 2014


These are  my creations available on EBAY dba ROSEMWA

FLAPPER BABY 14.99 S/H 3.00  paypal   12/9/14

 10.99 S/H 3.25

19.99 S/H 4.50

Monday, March 10, 2014

Congratulations to my granddaughter, Stephanie and baby's daddy, Austin! LEVI ALLEN , arrived at 8:48 yesterday morning, weighing 5lbs 9ozs and 18 and a half inches long. I thought maybe she was going into labor, because her tummy kept tightening in a knot on one side over and over, but she didn't say it hurt lol. We had just finished an all afternoon baby shower for her sister, Kaela, when we had to rush around to get ready to come back home, the same evening. I was at my daughters house packing and no one told me that Steph had gone into early labor! It was raining cats and dogs all day as it always does near Seattle. We got packed, said our good byes and headed home, the rain poured almost all the way home, spring had not only sprung but sprung a leak, as well! On the way home, my daughter Helen said something about her niece going into labor, well duh!, how did I miss that one? anyway we came home ,exhausted from a fast trip and I went straight to bed. I went on facebook to see any updates or confirmation about a baby coming soon. It was two weeks early and I had thought maybe false labor at first, who knew? Yes I was just a lil dense from exhaustion! I watched updates on FB and commented faithfully, knowing full well that sleep was out of the question for a while now. It disappointed me that we missed the birth of my first great grandchild by only a few hours, so I would stay on FB  and keep my disappointment to myself!and be supportive as much as possible! Those of us still awake, faithfully kept vigilance, making jokes and such to stay awake. By about midnight mommie was 90 percent effaced, and at a 7, so being a retired OB nurse, I knew he would likely be here early in the morning! Soon, mommie was 100 percent effaced and wanting to push. I am disappointed that the nurses all to often allow a first time mom to suffer too long before calling the pain tech to do the epidural, my poor granddaughter had to deliver without one, as did my youngest daughter, they wait too long and then cant administer one, if they hang Pitocin, they are for darn sure gonna go faster so why cant they figure it out? Why make ppl suffer, I have actually heard old bitty type nurses say well guess they wont want another one anytime soon! I suppose I might in fairness interject about pain techs who hit the snooze button one time too many and just don't make it in time. I do appreciate how much some ppl give to their profession and are struggling to keep going, but ppl should set limits and be better organized. In spite of everything, all seems to going well so far and I am eternally grateful Lord for your help, as always!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Welcome Back Spring!

March is here ! SPRING IS IN THE AIR! and new life is popping up everywhere! We are here in Western Wa. for a baby shower! Yes I am becoming a Great Grandma this spring, twice over. Our family has always loved and welcomed the wee little ens! They are so sweet and soft and can't talk back LOL!  Most of the time they possess a subtle sweet smell that reminds us that life itself can be sweet, when treated with love, commitment and respect! We have always loved the Ann Geddes series of baby prints!
   This morning, while resting on the couch, I awoke to that distinct whistle of a LARK, just chiming out that spring is nearly here! When I still had my house, the birds started singin and chirping just before dawn ,in unison, like an ornithological choir, they chimed on and on in joyful repose until the sun was up and as suddenly as it had started, it STOPPED! They often repeated this revelry in the evening to just about the time the sun went down, as if to say, time for supper and the start of a new day! and now here are some of my scrapbook creations which can be found at: http://www.ebay.com/usr/rosemwa or https://www.youtube.com/user/fuschia73/feed?


Oh Darling Collection on ebay!

so many awesome lil goodies to spruce your artsie projects! or make jewelry as well! available on ebay also! Thanx for stopping by my blogs!